Is stan a negative word?


What does Stans mean in slang?

excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan
Definition of stan

(Entry 1 of 2) slang, often disparaging. : an extremely or excessively enthusiastic and devoted fan On the drama side, Game of Thrones returns after its own year off, but for an abbreviated season that even the most die-hard Westeros stans seemed lukewarm about.—

Why are big fans called Stans?

The origin of the term stan is often credited to the 2000 song « Stan », about an obsessed fan, by American rapper Eminem featuring British singer Dido . The word itself was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017. The term was originally a noun, but over time evolved and began to be used as a verb as well.

What is stan short for?

Stan is a masculine given name, often a short form (hypocorism) of Stanley or Stanford or Stanislaus . Notable persons with that name include: Stan Blake (born 1954), American politician. Stan Brakhage (1933–2003), American filmmaker.

Where did the term stan come from?

While some say the term is a combination of « fan » and « stalker, » « stan » was first coined in 2000 when Eminem dropped a twisted allegory in a song called « Stan, » about a man who was pushed to the edge when his idol wouldn’t answer his fan mail . The word used to be synonymous with overzealous or obsessed.

What is a GF stan?

Me: what does stan mean GF: when you stan something . a superfan.

What is stan in K-pop?

A K-pop stan is simply an enthusiastic and active fan of Korean pop music (stan means ardent fan) – often you’ll see them on Twitter with their picture changed to one of their heroes.
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Who are BTS Stans?

As fans know, ARMY was established as BTS’ fandom name on July 9, 2013, soon after the release of the band’s first single, “2 Cool 4 Skool.” The word is an acronym for “ Adorable Representative M.C. For Youth ,” but there are also other meanings.

Is stan a negative word?

Stan initially had—and still can have—a negative connotation , especially when referring to online fandoms (as on Twitter and Tumblr) who are seen too aggressive, obsessive, protective, or otherwise overzealous concerning the celebrities they love.

Why is army stan BTS?

2013. « A.R.M.Y » stands for « Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth » and it carries quite some meaning behind it, given that « Army » is associated with the military, body armor, and how those two things are always together, the fandom name basically means that fans will always be together with BTS.

How do you use stan?

The phrase WE STAN is used to express enthusiastic agreement with something that someone has just said . For example: Toni: BTS are probably the greatest band in the history of pop music. Jo: WE STAN.

What is the stan meme?

Definition: (Noun) A person who is an ardent fan of someone/something. (Verb) To be an ardent fan of someone/something. Origin: Remember that Eminem song, “Stan,” from 2000? The modern meme directly comes from that track, about an obsessed fan named Stan .

What does stan mean on social media?

If you’ve been on any social media in the last five years, you’ve likely encountered the term “stan.” A stan is
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a highly devoted fan of a particular person, like a musician, actor, author, or influencer . Stans are characterized by their high commitment and intense involvement in a performer’s fandom.

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