What are examples of situations?


What are examples of situations?

An example of situation is a house down the street from a big tree . An example of situation is having to decide between two jobs. An example of situation is the number of people waiting for a table at a restaurant. The combination of circumstances at a given moment; a state of affairs.

What is the synonym of situations?

circumstances, set of circumstances, state of affairs, affairs, state, condition, case .

Whats the definition for situation?

1 : the way in which something is placed in relation to its surroundings . 2 : the total set of physical, social, and psychocultural factors that act upon an individual in orienting and conditioning his or her behavior. 3 : relative position or combination of circumstances at a particular moment.

What is a good sentence for situation?

1. The situation could get quite dangerous. 2. It is interesting to compare their situation and ours.

What are real life situations?

uncountable noun [usually in NOUN] If something happens in real life, it actually happens and is not just in a story or in someone’s imagination .

What are life situations?

life situation. My life situation has to do with what is going on “out there”– events, day-to-day occurrences, global circumstances that affect us all (economy, state of the world) and personal circumstances that affect just me and perhaps my loved ones .

What’s another word for difficult situation?

What is another word for difficult situation?

Does situation mean problem?

situationnoun. A difficult or unpleasant set of circumstances; a problem .

How do you create a situation?

Creating situation involves the following steps:
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  1. Creating the situation. In this step, you name the situation and select the monitoring agent to which it applies.
  2. Defining the condition. …
  3. Distributing the situation. …
  4. Writing expert advice. …
  5. Specifying an action. …
  6. Adding an Until modifier. …
  7. Starting the situation.

What is difference between situation and problem?

Problem situation is an explanation in simple words of the circumstances in which a problem occurs . It is a « complex set of relationships and conflicts » that made you think about the problem in the first place. On the other hand, defining a research problem is a more scientific approach towards the problem situation.

What is the plural for situation?

situation /ˌsɪtʃəˈweɪʃən/ noun. plural situations . situation. /ˌsɪtʃəˈweɪʃən/

What type of noun is situation?

Situation is a common, abstract, and countable noun .

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