Quotation marks (inverted commas)
» » don’t exist in French; the guillemets « » are used
. Note that these are actual symbols; they are not just two angle brackets typed together << >>. If you don’t know how to type guillemets, see this page on typing accents.
Why are French quotation marks different?
Guillemets (« ») are punctuation marks shaped like double arrows. Alternately known as angle quotes or French quotation marks, guillemets are used in various languages around spoken passages of text. Unlike English quotation marks,
guillemets are not represented by grouped apostrophes
How do you type French guillemets?
To type the french guillemets on-the-fly, use
Alt+174 for « and Alt+175 for »
. The 174 and 175 needto be typed on the numpad and in this case is not prefixed by a zero (e.g. 0).
Do French use single quotation marks?
Just as double quotation marks ( “ ” ) are changed to single ( ‘ ‘ ) when making a text into a citation in English,
the guillemet ( « ) is turned into a double quotation mark in French ( “ ).
How do you format French dialogue?
While English typically uses either the double or the single apostrophe to make a quotation, French goes about it in an entirely different manner, using guillemets to reference a third party.
Two angled brackets, guillemets, reference quotations or speech within a text
Can I use guillemets in English?
Guillemets are not conventionally used in the English language
Why do French people put spaces before punctuation?
French. Yes, the whole language. In French, exclamation points, question marks, colons, and semi-colons (all forms of « high » punctuation) should always have a space preceding them. For example,
if you wanted to text your friend about how much you hate being online
, you’d say Je déteste être en ligne !
Why do French use commas instead of decimal points?
In France, the full stop was already in use in printing
to make Roman numerals more readable
, so the comma was chosen.
How do you type French guillemets on a Mac?
Try Option/Alt + 7 and Option/Alt + Shift + 7. If you don’t get the right marks, tell us what you do get. PS On a US keyboard, it should be Option + \ and Option + Shift + \.
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