How do I use ser?


What are the 5 conjugations of Ser?

Lesson: Ser or Estar in Spanish

What are the 10 forms of Ser?

Present Indicative

What are 5 sentences using Ser?

Read and listen to these sentences with ser:
  • Yo soy rubia. I am blonde.
  • Tú eres médico. You are a doctor.
  • Él es alto. He is tall.
  • Nosotros somos hermanos. We are brothers.
  • Mis hermanos son irlandeses.My brothers are Irish.
  • Laura y Sarah son francesas. Laura and Sarah are French.
  • Ustedes son enfermeros. You are nurses.

What are the six forms of Ser?

Terms in this set (11)
  • Yo. I.
  • Tu. You.
  • Nosotros. We.
  • Vosotros. You all (Informal)
  • El/Ella/Usted. He/She/You all (Formal)
  • Soy. I am.
  • Eres. You are.
  • Es. He is/She is/You are.

How many conjugations of ser are there?

Present Simple of Ser

How many forms of ser are there?

The two forms of « to be » in Spanish are Ser and Estar. I’ll explain when to use each one in a moment, but first let’s see what they look like.

How do I use ser?

SER is used primarily in situations to imply permanence, equivalence, characteristics, origin, nature, identity and possession (« My apple IS bigger than his », « Quito IS in Ecuador », « Ice IS cold », « He IS French », « This car IS mine ». SER is an irregular verb.

How do I use ser in a sentence?

If you wish to tell what your name is, you must use the verb ser. Here is an example of this use: Yo soy Patricia y ella es Carol. (I am Patricia and she is Carol.)

Names and Relationships
Lire la suite
Où trouver ma déclaration d'impôt préremplie ?
  1. John es mi jefe. (John is my boss.)
  2. Nosotros somos hermanos. (We are brothers.)
  3. Lauren es mi suegra. (Lauren is my mother-in-law.)

What are 10 sentences using estar?

Read and listen to these sentences with estar:
  • Yo estoy en la cocina. I am in the kitchen.
  • Tú estás cansado. You are tired.
  • Él está en casa de su madre. He is at his mother’s house.
  • Ella está en el tren. …
  • Usted está pálido. …
  • Nosotros estamos en Uruguay esta semana. …
  • Vosotros estáis aburridos. …
  • Ellos están delgados.

How do you use ser in a question?

Use Ser When Describing People or Things

Ser is used for both physical descriptions and character descriptions or personality traits. Ella es alta. (She is tall.) Ella es inteligente y amable.

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